Forums - MvsC2: Who are some good players who use low teir/obscure characters? Show all 25 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvsC2: Who are some good players who use low teir/obscure characters? ( Posted by Crayfish on 09:20:2001 09:42 PM: MvsC2: Who are some good players who use low teir/obscure characters? Who are some good players who use low teir/obscure characters in MvsC2? What characters do they use? Tell us about their accomplishments and tactics. Thanks, Crayfish. Posted by Shuzer on 09:20:2001 10:21 PM: Jay "Viscant" Snyder Consistently places top 3 in SHGL tournies 3rd at B5 4th or 3rd at MWC(can't remember) Uses Bison/Doom and Guile AAA regularly. Also uses Ruby Heart, Silver Samurai, Wolverines, etc etc... (though when it's bidness time, Storm/Sentinel/Doom or Doom/Storm/Cyke is what you'll most likely see him playing) Pretty much any low tier character with a good stupid trick. And he found out most of the things too. Posted by Crayfish on 09:20:2001 10:59 PM: What about Japanese players? They are generaly more open minded and inventive. Anyone use Shuma or Anakaris well? Thanks, Crayfish. Posted by BshidoHEAT on 09:21:2001 01:32 AM: Well, I play Omega Red. I got top ten in my first tourney a little less than a month ago. :gahsp!: Posted by Needle Noggin on 09:21:2001 02:16 AM: i think some japanese players use anakaris and son son a bit Posted by Joe Darque on 09:21:2001 02:18 AM: i use Colossus and hes proven to able to hang with the big boys. i also use Jill/Sentinel/War-Machine and they have gotten me some wins on alot of rushdown teams like Storm/Mags/Cyclops. Posted by CapMaster on 09:21:2001 03:37 AM: I use MegaMan and I beat some top tier teams with him. Posted by imaginihs on 09:21:2001 03:40 AM: I'd call myself a pretty decent player, and on occasion, I play more proficiently with my Sakura/Doom/CapCom team than my Cable/Doom/CapCom team... I dunno, I'm a huge Sakura fan. Maybe the preference makes me better with her...? ^_^ I also never transform. Tee hee. Posted by TheMummy on 09:21:2001 04:11 AM: I use my team Anakaris, Dr. Doom, Storm. Very Powerful and this team owns all!!! Yesterday, I've got 21 wins straight with this team and I do always end the match with Anakaris!! Posted by State of Nature on 09:21:2001 04:33 AM: Justin Wong pulls out some weird characters sometimes. I've seen him use Marrow, Guile, T.Bonne and Morrigan at various times. And Duc used to fool around with team Shoto too. Posted by PikaPuff on 09:21:2001 06:31 AM: [ego]I'm the best Roll/Servebot/T.Bonne user in the world[/ego] 5% wins! woot! Give me $5 bucks, and i will beat you once! yeah baby.... ~_~; oh, my other team's Jill/Sakura/T.Bonne. They get owned too ^_^. Posted by ElvenShadow on 09:21:2001 06:54 AM: I guess I'm sorta decent with Spidey and Bonerine Posted by AmingoStorm :) on 09:24:2001 04:48 AM: i use ryu, amingo and storm and im pretty good and i play good people alot, and win half the time. and i play against cable, cyclops, and the rest of the BS people. Posted by RiX !z Do[]De on 09:24:2001 06:45 AM: i used to use megaman when the game first came out.. and nobody was able to get around this megaman dr doom trap i had.. until everyone started using mags, storm, or cable.. now i mess around wid capcom, cammy, and ken.. i even use strider akuma and charlie Posted by Taramoor on 09:24:2001 07:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by imaginihs I'd call myself a pretty decent player, and on occasion, I play more proficiently with my Sakura/Doom/CapCom team than my Cable/Doom/CapCom team... I dunno, I'm a huge Sakura fan. Maybe the preference makes me better with her...? ^_^ I also never transform. Tee hee. Normal-Sakura/Doom/CapCom I thought I was the only person who used that team. Crap. Posted by spideyman on 09:24:2001 08:22 PM: spiderman is tight. this might not be saying much but i think i'm the best spiderman player from where i live Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 09:24:2001 08:28 PM: I myself played Jin and Venom when the game first came out. Venom, in particular, is a fun low-tier char that can sneak some wins. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by fagneto on 09:24:2001 09:24 PM: Try Joe Zaza, he likes Double Wolverines and Sentinel. I started using lower tiers recently, but I suck like shit. However, I had a 10+ win streak with an Amingo team and Cyclops Gamma at SHGL on Friday. Posted by Jaminis X on 09:24:2001 09:26 PM: I'm a pretty good player and I use Felicia/T.Bonne/Sentinel. I been called the best felicia player by many of the nations top players. Felicia/T.Bonne I think is one of the best rushdowns when it comes to speed and power. If anyone has any questions on how to use Felicia, just post I'll be glad to help. Posted by pulsr on 09:25:2001 12:01 AM: i play a vile juggernaught...its just funny some guy decides to go for a rush down and you go counter headcrush eh 98 dmg unmashed not to shabby i play juggernaught/dash blackheart/ground (it works really good for keeping space and making rush down alot harder) and capcom (lookin to change this guy soon for someone...) Posted by *Magneto* on 09:25:2001 12:22 AM: I got my ass whooped at SHGL by a rogue, Guile, Storm team. And he would rush my ass with rogue and do the unblockable kiss thing. Posted by waldo98 on 09:25:2001 01:09 AM: My vote would go to Mr. Joe ZaZa. He uses the Double Wolverine teams and some other low tier characters and still does pretty well in tournaments. Trust me, I play against Joe a grip and he can really hold his own against top tier teams. I actually prefter him using top tier teams instead of his normal low tier teams. Posted by EJBallaBoy on 09:25:2001 01:18 AM: I use ken and I've beat a lot of people with top tier teams. nuff said peace out. Posted by Lar-ry$ on 09:25:2001 05:53 AM: edma plays a really good uses t.bonne, that's about it for the really good players that i can think of. Posted by aquarake on 09:25:2001 05:59 AM: better question: does anyone have videos of justin wong using these characters? All times are GMT. The time now is 12:03 AM. Show all 25 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.